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Juggling Work, Home & Kids? Choose BodyKey Meal Replacement Shakes

Whether you’re working at the office or juggling chores and deadlines from home, eating right is always a challenge. With today’s technology and food delivery services leaving fast food at the tip of your fingers, it can be easy to deprive your body of the proper nutrients and vitamins that it needs. Workout habits might be falling to the wayside, and the kilogrammes are packing on from the long hours at your desk.

Wouldn’t it be easier to skip a few meals? Fight off hunger with another cup of coffee? Short answer — no.


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Whether you’re a busy working mother, a muscle head or a BodyKey business builder, the one thing we almost always don’t seem to have enough of? Time.

Most working mothers juggle home and work, and amidst all this, there’s just no time to create nutritional meals for themselves or even create moments with their loved ones. So, while we might not have the perfect solution for you but we want you to #OwnYourMoment. Read on to find out what we mean!

Don’t skip and don’t skimp!

Skipping meals can severely impact your health. Unlike Intermittent Fasting (IF), missing out meals on purpose and then binge-eating a quick and easy takeaway meal can throw your metabolism out of whack. Sporadic meals may cause your body to go into ‘survival mode’, meaning that it lowers its metabolism and ability to digest and burn calories. This leads to weight gain and potential health issues like brittle nails, hair loss and deteriorating cardiovascular health.

Meal replacement shakes aren’t just great for weight loss journeys, but also for people such as working mothers. In short, it makes for an ideal option as you’re looking for a quick and easy solution to the question ‘what’s for lunch?’

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NEW BodyKey Advanced Meal Replacement+ Shake

Vegetarian-friendly and non-GMO soy protein-based, the new and advanced BodyKey Meal Replacement+ Shakes are great for any mealtime of the day! Wholesome, hearty and packed full of flavour, this protein-rich alternative will keep you going through the day.

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One shake alone gives you 1/3 of your daily nutrition intake of vitamins and minerals. With 17g of protein and 5g of fibre in each serving, you’ll feel less hunger pangs and gain digestive support from each shake you drink. Simply mix a packet of the BodyKey Advanced Meal Replacement+ Shake with water or your choice of milk product and kick the hunger cravings!

So, How Is It an Advanced Meal Replacement Formula?

For starters, the new Shakes contain a larger serving size, protein and calcium when compared to the older BodyKey Meal Replacement Shakes.

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Don’t worry about the slightly higher calorie count when consuming the new shakes because those numbers are due to the increased amount of nutrients your body is receiving!

View the comparison table below:

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Guess what? The BodyKey Advanced Meal Replacement+ Shakes don’t just come in great flavours like Café Latte and Chocolate.

Introducing an all-new flavour

BodyKey Meal Replacement Shake (Berry)

The all-new Berry flavour! With all the benefits of protein, fibre, and 22 vitamins and minerals, this fresh and fruity addition to the BodyKey Advanced Meal Replacement+ Shake line adds a new take on your liquid meal. Made with fresh berries and loaded with antioxidant goodness, you’ll get to satisfy your sweet tooth without adding to your calorie count for the day.

The shakes are certified-Halal, has no artificial flavours, colouring, preservatives and zero trans-fat.

Excited to find out more about this new flavour and the rest of the shakes? Click here

That’s not all. Take your Shakes but consume them with added protein from the Nutrilite Soy Protein Drink.

Consuming and incorporating protein in your diet will keep you fuller for longer. Adding protein to your Meal Replacement Shake not only satiates hunger, but also gives you all the nutrients you need from a meal without overeating.

  • Read about our Nutrilite Soy Protein Drink campaign here
  • For the Protein + 1 health combinations, which includes the Meal Replacement Shakes, get your info from the Amway Central Malaysia app.